Team Battle: Imperial Fists and Space Wolves vs. Imperial Guard and Eldar
Eldar Trickery |
Got a chance to run a second test of our slightly altered
team doubles list with similar results. We made the Scouts into CC Scouts with a power weapon, and took out a Thunder Wolf and some Grey Hunters in favor of having a Rune Priest to help block psychic abilities. While we won the game, I think it was more because of some very lucky dice rolls than anything else.For example, rolling double sixes to blow up a Falcon grav tank with holo fields, and blowing up a Leman Russ on our second turn of shooting (the first having been night fighting).
But through all of our good fortune, our limitations remain the same. We have some very powerful 'Deathstar' units, but they lack the mobility to be as effective as we need them. For instance, the Thunder Wolf Cavalry have yet to engage in close combat. And while that can be effective as a means of herding your enemy around the board, I'd like to see them make at least some of their points back.
So, what do we do about it? We've built a couple alternate lists that feature a third Land Raider. Yes, we'll be those guys who have 3 Land Raiders in a tournament with a restrictive force organization chart. It's very necessary though because we need to drop the TWC in favor of getting our other units into the action. I'll try and get a new copy of both lists up once I'm furnished with copies of the materials as well as a full length battle report with photos for our next test. :)